The St. John Ogilvie Prayer Book is a compilation of prayers, rituals, rites, seasons and events that reflect a Celtic and Catholic spiritual vision. The annual calendar includes not merely the usual feast and fast days, but highlight specifically Celtic saints usually forgotten. The daily office includes Lauds, Terce, Sext, Nones, Vespers and Compline with occasional quotes from Celtic saints, traditional language and Scripture texts from the Douay-Rheims Version. There are occasional prayers and daily prayers in English, Latin and Scots Gaelic. The seasons and days section highlights traditional and Celtic customs from the blessing of bonfires, Beltane blessings, toasts for a ceilidh, prayers for the sick and dying, against evil, Epiphany house blessing, etc. There also are devotions and traditional prayers for attending Mass, as well as to Our Lord (The Way of the Cross, Time before the Blessed Sacrament, etc.), the Holy Ghost and Our Lady (The Rosary in English and Latin, First Saturday Devotion, etc.). Finally, the Litany of Celtic Saints recalls those holy men and women who made an impact on the growth of Catholicism in Celtic lands.
Contains an foreword by His Excellency, Athanasius Schneider. Written and edited by Joseph Johnson.
Dimensions | 978-1957206172 |
Format | Paperback |
ISBN-13 | 978-1957206172 |
Pages | 344 |
Weight | 1.34 lb |